Helpful Videos
Below, you will find a selection of helpful videos designed to provide you with a better understanding of our products and services. If you can’t find what you're looking for, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’re always happy to receive suggestions from our members and are here to assist you in any way we can.
Digital Banking Tutorials
How to Enroll in Online Banking
Online Banking lets you manage your accounts online. Here are instructions for how to enroll in Partner Colorado Credit Union's Online Banking.
How to Update Your Password and Contact Information
You can update your password, phone number, email address and home address. Here are instructions for how to update your password and contact information in digital banking.
How to Link External Accounts in Digital Banking
You can now quickly link external accounts with Plaid. You no longer need to wait for small deposits. Here are instructions for how to link an external account in digital banking.
How to Add a User in Digital Banking
You can allow others to manage your digital banking profile by registering them to your account. Here are instructions for how to add a user.
How to Stop Check Payments in Digital Banking
You can quickly process a stop check payment request. Here are instructions for how to stop a check payment in digital banking.
How to Set Travel Notifications in Digital Banking
You can access travel notifications to quickly set notices on your card when you're traveling out of state. Here are instructions for how to set travel notifications in digital banking.
How to Access Bill Pay in Digital Banking
Using Bill Pay is quick and easy. Here are instructions on how to access Bill Pay on Digital Banking.
How to Enable Biometrics Log In
Here's how to enable biometrics to log into our Mobile Banking App using a fingerprint or facial recognition.
How to Update Mobile Banking App for Android Users
Here's how to update our Mobile Banking app for Android Users.
How to Update Mobile Banking App for Apple Users
Here's how to update our Mobile Banking app for Apple Users.